Picture 1: The general situation of Q&D circuit Standard booth


Picture 2: the staff of Q&D circuit is negotiating with the audience


Picture 3: Q&D standard booth is full of people

       Q&D circuit especially exhibited a few millimeter wave radar circuit board on this exhibition, including unmanned prior to 77 g millimeter wave radar circuit board, 24 g multi-objective close perception for radar circuit board, and multi-purpose vehicles more collaborative control radar circuit board, attracted a lot of the audience stop their steps to visit. The successful display of the automotive radar circuit board indicates that the Q&D circuit automotive radar project has officially entered the mass production and application stage.


Picture 4: 14 layer millimeter-wave radar circuit board

       The three-day exhibition has come to a successful conclusion. On the broad platform of Munich Electronics Fair in Shanghai , we have demonstrated our professional strength in PCB manufacturing industry and further enhanced our company's reputation. We are looking forward to seeing you in the next exhibition.

Previous:Rankings have moved up again -- CPCA released the Top 100 Domestic PCB Ranking in 2020
Next:Qiangda circuit and Shengyi technology signed a strategic cooperation agreement

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